Saturday, July 26, 2008

Inflammation destroys joint-cushioning cartilage, inflicting tremendous pain and disability. By severely curtaining physical activity, osteoarthritis can initiate a vicious cycle in which its sufferers become even more sedentary (and often overweight), triggering additional health problems. Pomegranate ability to break the cycle of inflammation and tissue damage spurred scientists at case western university to explore whether it could protect join cartilage from inflammation in patients with osteoarthritis.


Pomegranate enhances Nitric Oxide, Improves Endothelial Function. Pomegranate protects cardiovascular health by augmenting nitric oxide, which supports the functioning of endothelial cells that line the arterials wall. Nitric oxide signals vascular smooth muscle to relax, thereby increasing blood flow through arteries and veins. Nitric oxide reduces injury to the vessel walls, which also helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis.


Prevent Blood Clots and Bad LDL Cholesterol Hotton Vitality Candy are contains pomegranate that rich in antioxidants that can keep bad LDL Cholesterol from oxidizing. This degradation of LDL seems to be an initial step in the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, pomegranate, like aspirin, can help keep blood platelets from clumping together to form unwanted clots.


Hotton Vitality Candy is potential benefits for erectile dysfunction (ED). A study published in the july 2005 edition of the Journal of Urology, entitled “Oxidative Stress in Arteriogenic Erectile Dysfunction: Prophylactic Role of Antioxidants” examined the effects of long term intake of pomegranate on eractile dysfunction (ED) in an animal model. The results suggest for the first time that free radicals (oxidative stress) are a contributing factor in eractile dysfunction. As a result, pomegranate may be of benefit through an antioxidant mechanism.


Inflammation destroys joint-cushioning cartilage, inflicting tremendous pain and disability. By severely curtaining physical activity, osteoarthritis can initiate a vicious cycle in which its sufferers become even more sedentary (and often overweight), triggering additional health problems. Pomegranate ability to break the cycle of inflammation and tissue damage spurred scientists at case western university to explore whether it could protect join cartilage from inflammation in patients with osteoarthritis.


Hotton Vitality Candy contains Cynomorium Songaricum and It is a parasite herbs, rare in production due to limitations of its growing environment. Cynomorium invigorate the kidney & supplement essence for kidney "YANG" and insufficiency of blood manifest as impotence, emission, flaccidity or paralysis of extremities, cold pain of the Loin and knees, moisture the intense and relax the bowels. It has the full range of nourishment compounds ideal for middle ages.

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